Alona Shaked, Women's Executive & Career Coaching

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How To Create A Custom Self-Care Plan And Stick To It

I’ve been talking about burnout for the past few weeks, and how self-care is an excellent way to combat those feelings of exhaustion and being drained. The case for self-care is a good one (if you missed it check out last week’s post). But once you adopt a pro-self care mindset (again, see last week’s post) and decide that you are going to make time for yourself, you’ll need to decide what that looks like for you.

Everyone’s self-care plan, routine, or ritual is going to look different, depending on who you are, what relaxes you, and what you enjoy. For example, I love a good massage, but going shopping exhausts me. For someone else, shopping might be restful and fun. Some people would love to just browse the internet or play a video game (my husband’s go-to), while others need to turn off their cell-phones and unplug from screens (me!)

So how do you develop a self-care plan, routine or ritual that is right for you? The answer of course is that it depends. What do you need right now? What will refill your “well” and your soul? It might change depending on the time, the day or the month.

I’ll give you an overview of what I do, and then you can download my brand new free self-care tracker to personalize your own plan and get started feeling better ASAP.

My Basic Self-Care Routine

Daily Meditation

For the past 2.5 years, I meditate once a day for at least 5 minutes, preferably 10. Sometimes when I am very tired, I will do 30-45 minutes. Meditation (especially mindfulness meditation) is magical. It brings us back into the present, allows us to relax, reduces anxiety, generates positive feelings and hope, and recharges us.


I work out 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes. Aside from Pelotoning (so good!), I do barre classes, pilates, stroller strides with other new mamas, and yoga. Exercise is amazing. Not only are there major health benefits (reduction of cancer recurrence, heart disease, etc.), but it actually gives you energy and makes you feel happy! Exercise produces endorphins, which reduces stress and creates a sense of well-being. Hello natural ecstasy! Sometimes when I am feeling really tired or foggy, I do a quick mini-workout in the middle of the workday to reboot. (A wall-sit, plank or mountain climbers work great!)

Nightly routine

I also have a nightly routine to help me wind down and prepare for sleep. It’s pretty simple - I take a hot shower, I stretch my body, I write down a few plusses from my day in order to boost my positivity, and then I read a good book. And I try to limit screen time… although I admit I am not perfect to that end.

Self-Care Days

Finally, I’ve recently instituted a new ritual of a monthly “self-care day.” For example, two months on a random Thursday I dropped my daughter and doggo off at their respective daycares, and then I Pelotoned with Robin, had lunch at a fancy French restaurant by myself with a good book, got a mani/pedi, tried an infrared sauna (so awesome btw) followed by a delicious smoothie at the Wellness Refinery in Philly. It was lovely and I felt rejuvenated and recharged afterwards, ready for anything! The following month I lounged at a pool with a ripe coconut and got a massage, followed by a warm bubble bath. It’s become a fun activity to brainstorm and plan my monthly self-care day!

Sometimes I add things when I feel like I need some extra love, and some days I don’t get to something and that’s ok too. Perfection is not the goal here. Self-care and compassion is.

If you want to engage in more self-care in your life by creating a routine, ritual or plan I’ve got something that will help you do just that! My new self-care tracker contains tons of ideas for self-care ( it doesn’t have to be super expensive or time-consuming!) as well as an accountability tracker to help you remember to include this vital tool in your life.

Research shows that just by writing down and tracking your habits, you’re twice as likely to actually reach your goals!

Do yourself a favor, love. Schedule some self-care for yourself today and watch your vitality return. Be a better version of yourself. For you, for your career, and for your loved ones.