Client Case studies
I’ve helped dozens of clients find their purpose and create balanced, fulfilling careers. Here are some of their stories. (Please note: the clients featured here expressly gave permission for me to share their testimonials. My work with clients is otherwise 100% confidential.)
”I knew I wasn't on the right career path a couple of years ago. But when it came to actually moving towards what I wanted, I had a hard time pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Working with Alona, so many parts of my life transformed. It has been a full mindset makeover. I gained the confidence to be self-employed and feel like I have the support that I need to continue to tackle problems or challenges with a framework.”Before Coaching: When Julia first came to me, she was working in a corporate marketing job at a Fortune 500 company. She was unfulfilled and drained by her job, and she knew that she was out of alignment with her purpose, but since she didn’t know exactly what her purpose was she remained stuck.
Coaching Goals: Julia wanted clarity on her purpose and a plan to build a career and life in line with that purpose. She dreamed of having a life filled with peace, joy and gratitude.
Results: After only a few months of working together, Julia finally had the courage to leave her job. She got clarity on exactly what she wanted out of her career and life (and what was no longer serving her), and the confidence to go out and turn her dreams into reality. And she created her own consulting company to help social impact startups connect their employees to the company's mission through awesome workshops and retreats.Last I spoke to Julia, she has run multiple large-scale retreats for several major companies and is now crafting a series of corporate workshops to add additional value to her target audience. 🙂
Click here to watch an interview with me and Julia!
“I just defended my doctoral dissertation, and am taking a few weeks to relax and enjoy before starting a new job. The new job aligns well with my interests, my family's needs, and my financial goals. At the same time, I'm also prioritizing other learning, hobby, and travel opportunities to continue to help me work towards an even more aligned life!”Before Coaching: When Alannah first came to me, she was finishing her doctorate in public policy and was stressed about applying for jobs. The natural path (and the one that everyone - advisors, mentors, and family - expected her to take was in academia where she would be a professor and do research. But all Alannah felt when she thought about this future was dread.
Coaching Goals: Alannah wanted clarity on her purpose and career path, and the confidence to go out there and get her dream job. She dreamed of feeling passionate, spending time with her kids, and being more calm and relaxed in her day-to-day life.
Results: Within the first few months, it became clear that Alannah’s soul was not in academia. After just a few months of working together, we not only identified a career that she was truly passionate about (a leadership role in civic engagement) but she actually secured a job in that space with the benefits that would allow her to also have a balanced and peaceful personal life - well in advance of completing her PhD, which she also did with less stress and more confidence.
“I learned to put myself first, add more boundaries to shelter my self care and finally tackle ‘the monster’ problem I’ve neglected for so long which is my own health. I don’t know what could be more life changing than that.”
Before Coaching: When Stephanie first came to me, she was the CEO and co-founder of an amazing startup Truth be told, she was pretty successful and had just closed a Series A round of funding for millions of dollars.But as much as she loved her work, she was hustling and had zero boundaries. She was really running on empty. She was struggling to find quality time for her partner, her young daughter, and her friends. She wasn’t exercising or eating well.
But worst of all, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and told that if she didn’t start getting it together, she was at risk for a stroke.
Stephanie was in her late 30’s - and the idea of having a stroke really scared her - would she get to watch her daughter grow up? But she didn’t know how to make healthy changes, how to prioritize herself and her well-being, while still being a rockstar at work.
Coaching Goals: Stephanie wanted to start prioritizing herself and get her health under control while still remaining successful at work. She wanted better balance and more quality time with herself and her family.
Results: After about 6 weeks of working together, Stephanie was able to create healthy boundaries at work, start losing weight, and create more time and space for the things that really mattered to her in life.
What’s more, by shifting her mindset and taking action aligned with prioritizing her own health and wellness, she actually improved her relationship with her co-founder and employees and was able to be just as successful as she was when she was hustling.
I’ll never forget receiving a text from Stephanie one day telling me that she stayed home from work and took the entire day off to rest because she had a cold. She joked how not only did her company not fall apart without her, but things went smoothly and her co-founder was incredibly understanding and supportive.
”Alona's work came into my life EXACTLY when I needed it. I was feeling super lost and confused about my next steps, not to mention run down and overwhelmed. With great empathy she took my hand and led me back to myself. The trust and integrity she brings to the table allowed me to grow (read work my sh*t out) and have a truly transformative experience.”
Before Coaching: Rebecca approached me at a time in her life where she was in between jobs and had just taken off a year to have a baby. She wanted (and needed) to get a job, but she was really struggling to find something that she was qualified for and passionate about, but that would also pay the bills. She had lofty and very creative long-term career goals but didn’t believe they were possible. She was stuck and felt really down about her limited possibilities.Coaching Goals: Rebecca wanted to clarify what her purpose was and then figure out what types of jobs she could apply for in line with that purpose that also met her need for financial security.
Results: Clarifying Rebecca’s career goals and ideal job were the easy part. More challenging was healing and recreating her mindset, which was ultimately the key to her success. Despite resistance, we worked to move her to a place where she was open to creative possibilities and able to start taking aligned action in order to call in her dream job. And call it in she did! She not only got a job that worked for her family financially, but it is the first step on her path to her ultimate long-term dream, AND they built the job description around what she told them she wanted!