ready to upgrade your career and life?




One of the most rewarding parts of my coaching business is the opportunity to work one-on-one with incredibly talented, driven and inspiring women. Many of my clients don’t feel that way when they first come to me, but my job is to ignite the light within them and help them make that light brighter and brighter. My clients include everything from executives at Fortune 500 companies. lawyers, tech executives, entrepreneurs, and women who are looking for their next challenge.

I create a custom plan and strategy for each client to help them transform their career and personal lives. This includes helping them find or redefine their purpose, create a life with better balance, feel healthier and happier, and ultimately, experience fulfillment without sacrificing pieces of their soul.

Together, we will clarify your purpose, desires, and goals. We will explore what might be holding you back and remove blocks so that you can freely and gracefully begin to live your truest and most beautiful life. We will create a foolproof action and accountability plan to ensure that you make long-lasting and authentic changes, bring you fulfillment, wellness and peace.


  • meditation

    Get exclusive access to free selections from my client meditation library.

  • exercises

    Learn how I transformed after my my WTF moment and get tools to get started on your own journey.

  • guides

    Grab your copy of my DIY Retreat Guide to create your unique at-home transformative experience.



what is included in 1:1 coaching?

  • Weekly 60-minute private sessions with me

  • Homework and feedback in between sessions

  • 1:1 private email support throughout the process

  • Final Assessment including detailed Action Plan

  • Members only recordings of guided meditations and worksheets

how much does coaching cost?

In the words of my favorite law professor, IT DEPENDS! I custom tailor my programs to the needs of each individual client. Typically, a client needs a minimum of 3 months in order to start seeing real results, but I have seen it take less time and have also seen some clients need more time. In our free consultation, I will get a sense of what your needs are and if I feel we are a good fit for coaching then I will recommend the program that feel suits you best.

is coaching different from therapy?

YES. In coaching, we learn exercises and tools to get you from Point A to Point B. As your coach, I provide guidance, reflection, accountability and support throughout this process. The focus is on results. Coaching can certainly help with feelings such as depression and anxiety, but it is not intended to replace therapy if you are dealing with a clinically diagnosed mental disorder. Many clients choose to do coaching in tandem with traditional therapy. If I determine in our free consultation that you would be better served by therapy or that your needs are outside the scope of what I do, I will let you know and if possible, provide referrals.