Free LIVE Masterclass with Women’s Executive and Career Coach Alona Shaked, Esq.
frustrated to fulfilled
Ditch the rat-race and leap into your soul-aligned career
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
10:00 am PDT | 1:00 pm EDT
Do Any Of These Sound Like You?
You are a professional woman (lawyer, exec, manager, etc.) currently hustling in the patriarchal corporate America rat-race.
You feel burnt out, exhausted, and uninspired by your job.
Long hours and unreasonable expectations (including your own) are getting in the way of your physical or mental health.
You struggle to prioritize family and relationships.
You look great on a piece of paper but go home at the end of the day wondering if this is really all there is.
You want to make a change but you don’t know exactly what you would do, and/or you don’t know how you’ll make a living doing it.
Life is too fucking short to live that way, my dear. Join the Masterclass and break free.
in this masterclass, you’ll learn how to:
Clarify your purpose and what you are meant to do with your life.
Feel confident in your decision to exit the rat-race and step into a soul-aligned career.
Create a foolproof action plan to land and/or create your dream job.
Balance your career with your wellness and relationships.
Rebecca, professor & creator
Your advice, help and coaching really made (what I previously thought was impossible) possible for me, and I’ll get to explore things that bring me joy and light.
galit, founder & coach
I received a lot of practical tools and methods, as well as the opportunity, structure and framework to dig into the beliefs/thoughts/actions that are keeping me stuck. I'm now striding towards my goals and putting myself out there.
Alannah, director of civic engagement
My new job aligns well with my interests, my family's needs, and my financial goals. At the same time, I'm prioritizing other learning, hobby, and travel opportunities to continue to work towards an even more aligned life!
Hi, I’m Alona Shaked
I know exactly what it’s like to be working 80+ hours a week, uninspired, unhealthy, lonely, and miserable. That was me exactly 10 years ago, when I was working as a corporate litigator at a large AM100 firm. And then one day, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. For the first time, I was forced to take a hard look at my life and ask myself if I would be ok if this was it for me. If this is what I would have accomplished with my precious time on Earth. The answer was HELL NO.
Now, I make my own hours and work no more than 30 hours a week. I prioritize my wellness and have been cancer-free for almost a decade. I do work that is meaningful, stimulating and that lights up my soul. I travel frequently and allow myself to experience the joys life has to offer. I’m married to a wonderful partner and recently gave birth to my miracle post-cancer IVF baby. And despite running my own business, I cherish my time with her every single day.
And I’ve coached dozens of women to do the same. Are you ready to clarify your purpose, transform your job or create your exit strategy, and step into your new reality? Are you ready to take a LEAP?