Alona Shaked, Women's Executive & Career Coaching

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Fall Wellness week: who’s with me?

In my last post, I told you this month was going to be devoted to women’s health. So let’s talk about yours for a moment. Take a moment and really tune into your body. How are you doing?

Your Health Is Your Number One Priority: Here’s Why

Before I had breast cancer I didn’t pay too much attention to my physical health. Why would I? I was in my twenties and had never even had a broken bone. Sure, I worked out, but that was so that I’d look good in a bathing suit.

After I got my wake up call, I realized that health was my #1 priority. That’s because basic health is actually a precursor to and a threshold for other priorities. We need a basic level of health and well-being to work, make money, and stay alive long enough to experience the joys of life like travel and family.

It’s not that complicated. When you are sick and exhausted it’s harder to work and even harder to do a good job. When you are sick and exhausted it’s hard to enjoy a vacation or be present and energized for your kids.

If you are faced with chronic illness or a medical condition, it can be even harder to stay healthy enough to accomplish these things. You have to work at it every single day. So if you are lucky enough to have never experienced serious illness, don’t take it for granted. Empower yourself and prevent disease by making health and wellness a priority now.

how accountability can help you reach your health goals

And yet, despite my own shpiel, I’ve been hitting some blocks in my own health and wellness routine recently. I haven’t been sleeping well. My stomach has been bothering me and I’ve been having some IBS flare-ups. And as I’m gearing up for IVF again soon (cat’s out of the bag!) I need to start cutting down on caffeine, alcohol, and adding some supportive practices to my routine.

Can I be honest for a second? I’m struggling to make headway on these goals. I’m a busy working mompreneur and as much as I preach about self-care, I have to constantly remind myself to practice what I preach!

So this Fall, I’m asking for your help. As a coach, one of the best ways I know of to achieve goals, get rid of bad habits and create good ones is to create accountability.

Will you be my accountability buddy?

I’m looking for some accountability buddies who are also feeling like they could use a little boost in the health and wellness department right now.

  • Maybe you’re craving a detox or cleanse…

  • Or better sleep hygiene so that you have more energy during the day…

  • Maybe you’ve been wanting to establish a meditation practice to reduce stress and be more present in your life…

  • Or an AWESOME morning routine to start your day with intentionality…

  • Maybe you’ve got some health issues that it’s time you dealt with…

  • Or you want to start/uplevel an exercise routine because you KNOW that movement is life-changing…

Whether it’s one of these goals or something else, you’ve been craving a change for your health. But there’s never enough time. It’s too hard to get started. You’ll do it later. You lack the motivation. You lack the accountability.

You have to do the work on your own, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone.

If you’re like me and you want to make a change, add a good habit, or eliminate a bad habit, but you’re struggling to get things going, let’s help each other out sister!

Introducing Fall Wellness Week

For one week (November 13-19), we will support each other in reaching our wellness goals by checking in daily by text message or email and sharing our wins and challenges. You’ll also get some extra bonus content from me each day to help keep you motivated.

This Fall Wellness Challenge is FREE to participate in. All you have to do is pick a goal and commit to it for that one week.

To reserve your spot and start prepping for Wellness Week, simply click here to share your wellness goal with me.

It can be just one simple thing (like drinking 8 cups of water a day!), or perhaps there’s a bad habit that needs to go (like doom scrolling before bed- GUILTY!), or maybe you just want a relaxing detox week.

So my dear, what are you ready to commit to this Fall? Let’s do this!