6 ways to reset your day in 5 minutes when things don't go as planned

This morning, I woke up to a literal sh*tstorm.

Ella had a blowout overnight, and my dreams of a peaceful Monday morning were dashed as I stripped her bedding, bathed her, and was 30 minutes late to daycare. When I sat down to start my workday I felt exhausted, harried and frustrated.

I had the urge to just plunge into work. After all, last week was a short week and I’ve got a lot to get done.

Your Morning Mood Impacts Your WorkDay, So Don’t Start Off On The Wrong Foot!

Instead, I took a deep breath and decided to give myself 30 minutes of self-care. I took a Peloton barre class and felt myself slip into the zone of presence, strength and determination. My body loosened up and I felt the endorphins rushing through my body. I felt lighter, more energetic, focused and clear.

YES, this is how I wanted to start my Monday.

Indeed, a study reported by the Harvard Business Review showed that the mood in which people started off their day impacted performance, productivity and quality of work.  So if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning (or if you were met with a figurative or literal sh*tstorm like I was), it’s important to take a moment to reset.

It’s never too late to press the reset button

Even when there is so much to do and it feels like there is no time to waste…When you put self-care first, you actually end up saving time because you are more focused and energized. Especially if you have a job that requires you to use your brain, self-care helps you remain connected to your source of inspiration and productivity.

So if you started your day with a sh*tstorm, take 5 minutes RIGHT NOW and engage in some self-care.

Here are some ways you can reset your day:

  1. Go for a walk.

  2. Breathe while listening to music.

  3. Meditate. Here’s a 5-minute heart chakra meditation to help you calm the f*ck down and reconnect to your higher self.

  4. Stretch. Check out my favorite morning stretch routine

  5. Do some sun salutations.

  6. Write in a journal.

If you needed to hear this today, you’re welcome. 


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