How To Intentionally cultivate Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Beyond the delightful food and warm hues, Thanksgiving embodies the transformative power of gratitude. Here are 3 easy ways that you can be intentional in cultivating gratitude this Thanksgiving.

How To Improve your Focus, Productivity, and Energy In Just 5 Minutes
Do you ever get to the end of the day and wonder, "what the fuck was that?" You didn't get shit done, you're exhausted, stressed. In this post I explain a very simple trick that takes just 5 minutes to help you take control of your day and be focused, productive, energized, joyful, and present.

6 ways to reset your day in 5 minutes when things don't go as planned
Sometimes your day doesn’t start out as you’d hoped. Rather than slogging through the day feeling like crap, check out these easy tips to press the reset button so that you can be more productive, focused, and happy.

5 Steps To activate Your Inner Resilience When Faith Alone Isn’t Enough
It’s easy to have a positive attitude when things are going well. But what about those days where life throws you a curveball? How can you turn a major challenge into the upgrade of your life? Here are 5 steps to help you.

How to Cope (and thrive) when life throws you a curve-ball
When you get hit with a major life challenge or crisis (a “WTF Moment”) you can either crumble or you can choose to thrive. Let me show you how.

Silver Linings
This month, I will be posting about grief and loss, and how to thrive despite such circumstances. Today, in honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I will start with a “delayed loss” that I technically experienced almost 9 years ago, but that I didn’t really have to face until now.