How to Crush Your 2023 Goals In 4 Simple Steps

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, replete with celebrations, gifts, good cheer, decorations and cookies. December is such a magical time of the year that it’s often challenging to transition into January.

January - the month of… well, not much really! Cold, dreary weather. No exciting holidays. Vacations are over. Back to the grind.

It doesn’t have to be that way! In fact, January is an incredible time of year. It’s a month of boundless opportunities and endless possibilities. This is your chance to set goals (if you didn’t already) and actually start transforming your life.

This can be the year where you rewrite your story, where your plot twists, where your dreams become reality.

If this both excites and overwhelms you at the same time, never fear! I get it. It’s one thing to set a goal, but it’s an entirely different thing to go out and accomplish it. It can feel really scary and vulnerable to have made a commitment that you aren’t sure you can keep.

But you can! Here’s how:

I’m going to give you my simple 4-step method to crush your 2023 goals. This is the method I used last year to achieve my 2022 goals and it’s the method I use with my private clients. I plan on using this method again in 2023 to crush this year’s goals, and I am so excited to share this with you because if you follow this method, you will too!

So here are the 4 steps to crushing your goal, broken down and explained.

[Check out the full FREE Masterclass (in my private Facebook community) which includes examples and exercises to help you implement the method]

Step 1: Clarify Your Goal

How can you get from Point A to Point B if you don’t actually know what Point B is? Duh! You need to know where you are going in order to get there. You need an address. A latitude and longitude. You need a clear goal. You need a SMART goal.

SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Here’s an example of a SMART goal:

I will get a job as an exec in strategic partnerships at a tech company in San Francisco with a 6-figure compensation package and the ability to work remotely with flexible hours by June 30, 2023.

Basically, you want this to be specific enough that you can look back on June 30, 2023 and know for sure whether you have achieved the goal (measurable). The time limit motivates you and holds you accountable. Assuming this person is relatively qualified (and I say relatively because I want you to aim high, even if it’s outside of your comfort zone) this goal is attainable

Most importantly, perhaps, for this hypothetical person, the goal is relevant because they value financial freedom, stimulating work environments/ challenges, and time to spend with family and on self-care. It is a soul-aligned goal, something that is in line with their values.

Step 2: Believe that the goal is possible

The number one reason I see people struggle to achieve their goals is that they don’t believe in themselves. 

The good news is that this is a problem we can solve… because it’s all in your head!

Thoughts like:

I can’t do this. 

It’s not possible.

I bit off more than I can chew. 

Maybe I’ll do it next year. 

It’s not that big of a deal anyways. 

I just don’t have time.

Are just… thoughts!! They may feel very true but they are subjective statements you are making to yourself in your head.

Once you realize this, you can begin to challenge these thoughts and substitute thoughts that serve you better. 

I can’t do this might become: Can I do this? I see others doing it so perhaps it is possible.

Maybe I’ll do it next year might become: There’s no better time than the present. 

I just don’t have time might become: I don’t NOT have time! Less is more.

With a success mindset backing you up, you will experience success externally.

Step 3: Create your action plan

So how exactly do you get from Point A to Point B? Unfortunately there’s no Google Maps for life. You need a roadmap. Directions.

Start by brainstorming everything you could possible do to make your goal happen. Next, prioritize the low hanging fruit, the easy wins, and the most important things on the list. You don’t have to do everything on your list  (nor should you) to achieve the goal. 

Finally, put those prioritized actions on your calendar. Carve out space and time for them. When you do that, you greatly increase the likelihood that you’ll perform.

Step 4: Execute your plan, even when the going gets tough

So now you have a soul-aligned goal. Congrats. You believe you can make it happen. You even have a roadmap to get to the goal. Yay. But then, time passes, you lose steam, your motivation wanes, circumstances shift, your kid is home from daycare sick, you lose your job, you get hit by an unknown expense, etc. 

That’s life! It’s not always linear, fair or easy. But that’s ok. As long as you have resilience skills, support and most of all, accountability.

Accountability means that you accept responsibility to yourself and possibly to others for your commitments. It’s a way to stay motivated, because you are (or someone else is) counting on you. 

Whether you create accountability with a family member or friend, a group, or more formally with a coach, this is HUGE. 

So go out there and create your goal, share it, believe in yourself, ask for help when you need it, and invest in yourself. 

If you want to implement this 4-step method, I highly recommend you start by watching my free Masterclass (access requires that you join the Facebook group) on this topic which provides exercises and examples to help you customize this to your life. Plus, there’s an AWESOME freebie at the end!

Good luck!


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