When Faith Alone Isn’t Enough - how to Manifest Your Desires Through Action

If you’ve been following my blog the last few weeks, you know I’ve been talking about manifesting, or the idea that simply by believing, you can create the results you want in life.

That’s a load of bullshit.

Sitting around and just “manifesting” your intentions isn’t enough. Even if you believe in God and prayer, you still have to meet God halfway.

You need to take action in order to get results

It’s not rocket science. If you sit around and do nothing but wish for an outcome, you are not very likely to get what you want.

If you get diagnosed with breast cancer but don’t seek treatment, YIKES.

If you want to get pregnant, you need to have sex or get fertility treatment. Immaculate conception isn’t a thing ladies.

If you want a different job or career but don’t let anyone know you are looking, you’re likely going to stay stuck.


Just going through the motions without truly believing in yourself is like shooting darts at a wall with a blindfold on. Conversely, believing in your dreams and in your ability to achieve them is like giving your actions special rocket fuel to take you to your highest potential.

When I was going through IVF, one of the worst parts for me was my fear that I would never succeed. With failure after failure, it was really hard not to be legitimately worried about this.

That fear started to really impact my life. It caused me to withdraw from relationships and isolate myself. It caused me to feel depressed and anxious. And that stress physically impacted me, and likely some of the results I was getting (or in my case, wasn’t getting!).

I was so desperate after my 4th cycle that I started looking into hiring a fertility coach (man, I wish I had done that from the get-go! It would probably have saved me thousands of dollars, not to mention my sanity). I attended a webinar led by a well-known coach, and the very first thing she said blew my mind:

If you want to be a mom, you will be. You don’t get to decide how. You don’t get to decide when, but you will be a mom.

Something in me shifted at that moment. I began to feel positive, excited almost. I was going to be a mom!

And on the very next cycle, I got my little Ella.

manifesting isn’t magic - but it’s effects can be magical

No, I don’t believe that I magically manifested her just by having some positive thoughts. Even if that were possible, it’s not like I suddenly went from being 100% Debbie Downer to 100% Positive Polly. Changing your mindset takes time and practice.

But by believing that it was possible, I stepped into my next and final cycle in a different way than I had previously. Actually, I almost developed a fuck it attitude. Rather than obsess over every detail, I just trusted that I was at the next mile of the IVF marathon, a road that would eventually end, even though I couldn't see the finish line yet.

But one of the most profound actions I took was that I finally had the courage to publicly share my story. I published a blog post right before my final cycle and it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. My inbox and voicemail were flooded with support, prayers and well-wishes.

I changed my attitude and then took brave action.

how to empower your actions through faith

So now I want you to ask yourself the following:

If I had faith that I would achieve X:

  • What would I be willing to do?

  • How would I act/react?

  • How would I not act/react?

  • What would I be willing to invest?

Now I want you to sit down and brainstorm a list of ALL possible things you can/should do. Don’t be afraid to think out-side of the box! Then, think about what is urgent (has a deadline) and what is going to be the most effective in terms of getting you the results that you want. Finally, figure out how much time it will take you, and put it on your calendar.

And yes, sometimes taking effective and faith-based action means investing in yourself and your dreams. In fact, I just invested thousands of dollars in a new coaching program to learn how to save and invest my money. If someone else can shorten your road to success (and thereby reduce your long-term costs - monetary and other), the only reason that you wouldn’t take that bet is if you are afraid you won’t succeed.

So do yourself a favor. Bet on yourself. You won’t be sorry.


But Alona, I don’t know what to do! Where do I start? What if I’m not sure about my goals or purpose? What if I can’t let go of my negative mindset because it’s true!?

  • Listen to your intuition

  • Do some research. What have others who have succeeded already done?

  • Talk to friends and mentors

  • Hire a coach

And if you need that extra, expert support, please reach out for a free initial consultation.

You’ve got this!


5 Steps To activate Your Inner Resilience When Faith Alone Isn’t Enough


6 Easy ways to cultivate faith and manifest your desires