5 Ways To Boost Resilience In Times Of Tragedy
Alona Shaked Alona Shaked

5 Ways To Boost Resilience In Times Of Tragedy

In the wake of the recent tragic events in Israel, I often find myself consumed by media, grief, and powerlessness. However, I am reminded that, even in times of distress, I can choose to be resilient. Here are 5 valuable tips for how to boost your resilience in times of tragedy.

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Reflections of a 10-year breast cancer survivor
Cancer Alona Shaked Cancer Alona Shaked

Reflections of a 10-year breast cancer survivor

10 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. While I am celebrating my “Cancerversary,” this milestone also afforded me an opportunity to reflect on what I’ve learned these last 10 years, and how I have transformed the worst day of my life into meaning, love, and giving back.

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