What are you willing to die for?

A great man (Martin Luther King, Jr.) once said, “If You've Got Nothing Worth Dying For, You've Got Nothing Worth Living For.”

In other words, if you don’t know what you are willing to die for, how can you know what you are willing to live for? 

One of the assignments that I typically give my clients who are seeking clarity about their purpose or who seek to achieve better balance in their lives is to write their own obituaries.

Sounds simple enough, right? Yet, it always surprises me how few of my clients have even thought about what they want to accomplish before they die - let alone how they would want others to remember them.

I learned this lesson the hard way when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 28 and came face to face with my own mortality. 

Before I knew what Stage the cancer was and that the treatments were working, I actually had to think about a reality where I might not live past the age of 30. Once the sheer terror of that realization settled down, I decided that I didn’t want to waste another moment living someone else’s expectations and spending my time on activities not aligned with my soul.

Now that I am thankfully healthy again, sometimes I still have to remind myself of what (or who) I am willing to die for. 

Or conversely, what is so important to me that if I died tomorrow, or a year from now, I would deeply regret not having accomplished or experienced.

None of us get to choose when or how we will die. And while I don’t suggest you constantly think about your mortality or plan for the worst case scenario, I do recommend that you check in and ask yourself these deeper questions once in a while.

What are you passionate about? What lights you up? What feeds your soul?

Don’t wait until you get cancer. Don’t wait until you are 80 years old. Do it now, while you can still create the soul-aligned life that you are meant to live.
I’ve worked with dozens of clients to help them connect with their inner wisdom and gain the clarity and confidence they needed to completely transform their lives.

If you’d like help exploring your soul’s purpose and/or re-aligning your life to encompass that purpose, I invite you to book a free coaching consultation with me today.


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