4 Steps To Intentionally Close Out 2023
career Alona Shaked career Alona Shaked

4 Steps To Intentionally Close Out 2023

Reflect on 2023 and plan your intentional end-of-year journey with my step-by-step guide! Dive into assessing your values, aligning priorities, and celebrating achievements. Discover how to stay in sync with your truth, even amid life's twists. Don't miss bonus freebies at the end – your path to a purposeful year awaits!

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Reflections of a 10-year breast cancer survivor
Cancer Alona Shaked Cancer Alona Shaked

Reflections of a 10-year breast cancer survivor

10 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. While I am celebrating my “Cancerversary,” this milestone also afforded me an opportunity to reflect on what I’ve learned these last 10 years, and how I have transformed the worst day of my life into meaning, love, and giving back.

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