The Art of Work-Life Balance: Tips for Thriving in Difficult Times

This morning I woke up feeling like I got hit by a bus.

I’ve been in the midst of an IVF cycle, and the drugs cause both fatigue and insomnia - a fun combo!

Add in a toddler, dog, and running a business and it starts to become almost unmanageable.


Luckily, this is what I do for a living. I help professional women figure out how to create optimal work/life balance. A life where you are still able to take care of yourself while still being successful in your career and other life goals.

So as you can imagine, I’ve had to do quite a bit of self-coaching lately!

Whether you're going through a demanding phase in your life or simply seeking a better balance, read on to discover strategies for achieving optimal work-life balance during challenging times.

1. Prioritize Your Goals and Seasons:

Understanding that everything has a season is crucial. Identify your main priorities in life right now, whether it's advancing your career or focusing on personal matters. Acknowledge that certain goals may require adjustments or extensions, especially during critical periods. For instance, right now family building is my number one priority, so I am open to extending my career timelines accordingly.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to chat with a former client who is going through a health crisis. We talked about how it’s ok to push out career goal timelines to create space for healing. Your health is the most precious resource you have. Without it, you won’t be able to accomplish your goals in the long term anyways. So allow your well-being and personal aspirations to take precedence when necessary, and remember that seasons come and go.

2. See the forest, not just the trees.

I have a good friend who is also going through IVF and is working her ass off for a career goal that she isn’t even sure she really wants. She is stressed and not able to focus enough on her physical and mental health during this trying time. I get it. Because it literally took a cancer diagnosis to get me to stop working my first job where I was working crazy hours and was super stressed.

If you often feel hyper-focused on your career goals and your to-do list at the expense of your own health, take a step back. Avoid getting lost in the minutiae of everyday tasks and short term goals. Instead, adopt a broader perspective. Consider what truly matters in the grand scheme of things. Visualize the end of your life’s journey and reflect on what you would want to be remembered for. Will people remember you for that project you finished at work, the fact that you got promoted in 2023? Or will they remember that you lived a healthy, fulfilling and impactful life surrounded by loved ones? Remember, you can still have career success and fulfillment even if you have to take a step back to focus on something else for a while.

3. Prioritize Self-Care:

In the pursuit of success, it's crucial to prioritize self-care. If you don’t take care of yourself and rest when you need to, how can you take care of others, create and nourish a life, do an amazing job in your career? That’s why in my coaching program, I always tell clients to schedule their self-care first if they want to improve productivity and results. Neglecting your well-being can lead to burnout and hinder your ability to excel in all areas of life.

Although it's common to feel guilty about self-care (women in particular have been conditioned by society to be people-pleasers and put ourselves last), remember that it's a necessary investment. Allow yourself to rest and recharge, even if it means taking a step back from your responsibilities. For example, I've been incorporating daily 2-hour naps into my routine, supporting my physical and mental health during a challenging time.

4. Streamline Your Responsibilities:

Managing an extensive to-do list can be overwhelming. The secret to achieving optimal productivity is to learn to prioritize tasks effectively. Focus on urgent and impactful activities while delegating, canceling, or postponing non-essential ones. Remember, success lies not in doing everything but in accomplishing what truly matters. Embrace the concept of doing less to achieve more.

Last week, I cut out half of my schedule so that I could nap and relax in the middle of the day. Seriously, I don’t think I worked more than 15 hours total last week. And I achieved meaningful results with my clients, booked a new client and have almost no room left in my schedule for this week for calls with prospective clients. By aligning your efforts with your priorities, you'll witness remarkable results while freeing up time for essential aspects of your life.

5. Cultivate a Flexible and Compassionate Mindset:

When faced with unexpected challenges or the need to readjust your schedule, it's important to approach yourself with flexibility and compassion. Avoid self-criticism and negative judgments, which only increase your suffering. Instead, treat yourself as you would a friend or a loved one experiencing a difficult time. Cultivate self-compassion and forgive yourself for not being superhuman. Remember, setbacks are opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Embrace an accepting attitude and love yourself for who you are, not for what you are able to accomplish.

Achieving work-life balance is a continuous journey, but it's possible to thrive amidst challenges. By following these practical tips, you can balance your career and life without sacrificing success on either front. Remember, seeking professional support can enhance your career and personal life significantly. If you're interested in professional guidance to thrive in your own career and life, let’s chat!




a very merry half birthday: 6 months to 40!