5 Ways To Boost Resilience In Times Of Tragedy
Alona Shaked Alona Shaked

5 Ways To Boost Resilience In Times Of Tragedy

In the wake of the recent tragic events in Israel, I often find myself consumed by media, grief, and powerlessness. However, I am reminded that, even in times of distress, I can choose to be resilient. Here are 5 valuable tips for how to boost your resilience in times of tragedy.

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Silver Linings
Alona Shaked Alona Shaked

Silver Linings

This month, I will be posting about grief and loss, and how to thrive despite such circumstances. Today, in honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I will start with a “delayed loss” that I technically experienced almost 9 years ago, but that I didn’t really have to face until now.

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