how to Get back to your pre-pregnancy self (or even better!) post-partum

About 6 months ago, at the beginning of 2022, I shared some of my personal goals for the year as a way to create some accountability for myself. Since it’s been 6 months and we are about midway through the year, I thought I’d check in and let you know how it’s going.

Did you set goals at the beginning of 2022? How’s it going? What are your goals for the rest of this year? What would make 2022 a success for you? What would be a game-changer if it happened for you this year? Take the first step by sending me an email today and let me know!

I set out to prioritize my health and wellness post-partum

At the end of 2021 I had recently given birth to beautiful baby Ella, but my body was “in shambles,” as I so elegantly put it. Aside from pregnancy weight gain, I had been through a year of IVF treatments, crazy hormone injections, pelvic hip dysfunction, and preeclampsia. 

So my goal for 2022 was to “get back into great shape and feel good again in my body, setting the stage for long-term health and vitality.”

I set some SMART goals to create accountability and improve my chances of success.

Specifically I said I would:

  • Exercise at least 5 times a week for 30-45 minutes

  • Reduce back pain and pelvic pain to low or non-existent levels

  • Maintain normal blood pressure (120/80 or lower) and a low resting heart rate (60s)

  • Return to my pre-pregnancy weight

  • Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep per night.

Well folks, I’m 4/5, which in my book is a big fat gold star!

I feel stronger and healthier than I did before pregnancy!

  • I do either Peloton, online barre, or Stroller Strides (#fit4momphilly!) 5 times a week.

  • I have ZERO back and pelvic pain. (Huge hat-tip to my pelvic floor physical therapist - why all women who give birth are not sent to PT is beyond me).

  • My blood pressure at my last doctor’s appointment was 104/70 and heart rate was 64.

  • I used Noom and am now BELOW my pre-pregnancy weight. And I’ve eaten chocolate every night this week!

  • I would say that 50% of the time I get a sufficient night’s sleep. Ella Bella has had a few regressions and those have been… special. 

Aside from not getting a consistent good night’s sleep, which as a new mom is somewhat out of my control, I feel really proud of what I’ve achieved. And not just because I said I would do it. But because I feel amazing! I am stronger and healthier than I’ve been in years.

Now that I’ve reached the top of this mountain, I’ve been thinking about where to go from here.

What are my goals for the rest of 2022?

  1. Now that Ella is in daycare, I’d like to focus on growing my business and doing work that lights me up and inspires me. I’ve been working on some really exciting stuff, so stay tuned for updates!

  2. I’m definitely feeling stronger and more vibrant than I have in years, but I’d like to take it to the next level. Despite seeing great results, I’ve been eating a ton of animal products, and as a cancer survivor I know better! So I would like to focus on eating a healthier, more plant-based diet, which means at least 1 totally vegetarian meal a week (not pizza!) and at least 2 servings of fruits and veggies each day.

  3. Dun dun dun…. This is the one I’m most nervous about sharing because I’ve been saying I want to do this for years, and yet I still haven’t made it happen. I’d like to develop a morning routine. Sounds simple, and I know that there are major, evidence-based benefits to this, but for some reason I have struggled to make this happen consistently. I look forward to sharing more details about my morning routine and the benefits of morning routines in general, so stay tuned on that as well.

Alright people, it’s out there! I’m looking forward to updating you at the end of the year and sharing my successes and my lessons learned. 

Don’t forget to create some accountability for yourself by sharing your 2022 goals with me! And let me know if you would be interested in a structured program or group to keep you accountable and on track to meet these goals. 

Ready to go all in on your goals now? Book a free discovery call with me today and find out what it’s gonna take!


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