How To Intentionally cultivate Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Beyond the delightful food and warm hues, Thanksgiving embodies the transformative power of gratitude. Here are 3 easy ways that you can be intentional in cultivating gratitude this Thanksgiving.

Holy crap i’m 40!
Turning 40 has brought a mix of emotions, including the reminder that each passing milestone is a reminder of mortality. As I celebrate my 40th birthday, I choose to acknowledge the grief of letting go while embracing a bright future, marked by gratitude for the rich tapestry of experiences that have shaped my life.

4 Ways Expressing Gratitude Can Enhance Your Personal And Professional Relationships
Expressing gratitude towards ourselves and others has many studied benefits. You can improve your marriage, business relationships, feel happier, motivate employees, and even better achieve your goals.

3 Easy Ways To Call In Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is about gratitude, one of the most powerful antidotes to grief, sadness, and loneliness. Gratitude improves health, productivity, relationships and more. Here are 3 easy ways to bring it into your life.

The difference between gratitude and toxic positivity
Negative emotions are normal and can actually lead to authentic gratitude when processed correctly. Toxic positivity, on the other hand, is an inauthentic tool to cover up pain which can have dire consequences.

How Cheating Death Twice Made Me Appreciate My Birthday
Facing my own mortality has made me grateful to be alive, no matter what the age. And it has also made me appreciate modern, Western medicine, even though I am also a proponent of integrative medicine.

Time Passes In The Blink of An Eye, But Gratitude Lasts A Lifetime
With Ella turning one this week, sometimes I wish I could freeze time. Instead, I’m practicing cultivating authentic gratitude.

6 Easy ways to cultivate faith and manifest your desires
Having faith and being optimistic can actually help you achieve your goals. But what do you do if this doesn’t come naturally to you? Here are tips for learning how to be more optimistic and manifesting your desires.

Silver Linings
This month, I will be posting about grief and loss, and how to thrive despite such circumstances. Today, in honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I will start with a “delayed loss” that I technically experienced almost 9 years ago, but that I didn’t really have to face until now.